Gulp Plugin 入门

Posted by Allen on 2015-10-13

最近在学习 Gulp,刚开始看的时候一头雾水,看了几篇文章之后稍微有点理解是怎么运行的了,几乎都是依赖各种 plugin。其中一篇《前端从零单排之 Gulp》里提到了几个基本的 plugin,觉得很实用:

  1. Less compile (gulp-less)
  2. Autoprefixer (gulp-autoprefixer)
  3. Minify CSS (gulp-minify-css)
  4. JSHint (gulp-jshint)
  5. Concatenation (gulp-concat)
  6. Uglify (gulp-uglify)
  7. Compress images (gulp-imagemin)
  8. LiveReload (gulp-livereload)
  9. Clean files for a clean build (gulp-clean)
  10. Caching of images so only changed images are compressed (gulp-cache)
  11. Notify of changes (gulp-notify)
  12. EJS Generator (gulp-ejs)
  13. gulp-watch
  14. main-bower-files

1. Less compile (gulp-less)

自动编译 LESS 文件的插件。

2. Autoprefixer (gulp-autoprefixer)

自动分析 CSS 代码并编译成带有兼容前缀的 CSS:

a {
    display: flex;

compiles to:

a {
    display: -webkit-box;
    display: -webkit-flex;
    display: -ms-flexbox;
    display: flex


a {
    -webkit-border-radius: 5px;
    border-radius: 5px;

compiles to:

a {
    border-radius: 5px;

3. Minify CSS (gulp-minify-css)

自动压缩 CSS 文件的插件。

4. JSHint (gulp-jshint)

著名的 JavaScript 代码纠察工具 gulp 插件。

5. Concatenation (gulp-concat)

JavaScript Concatenation 文件合并插件,将多个 JS 文件合并编译成一个文件。

6. Uglify (gulp-uglify)

Minify JavaScript with UglifyJS2,JS 压缩插件。

7. Compress images (gulp-imagemin)

图片压缩插件,Minify PNG, JPEG, GIF and SVG images.

8. LiveReload (gulp-livereload)


9. Clean files for a clean build (gulp-clean)


10. Caching of images so only changed images are compressed (gulp-cache)


11. Notify of changes (gulp-notify)

gulp plugin to send messages based on Vinyl Files or Errors to Mac OS X, Linux or Windows using the node-notifier module. Fallbacks to Growl or simply logging

12. EJS Generator (gulp-ejs)

A plugin for Gulp that parses ejs template files

13. gulp-watch

File watcher that uses super-fast chokidar and emits vinyl objects.

14. main-bower-files

Get main files from your installed bower packages.
